A day in the life of our beloved Pug, Pugsley, And his misadventures with our cat Fluffy and His best friend Roxas.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Pugsley is like a rapper, not a candy wrapper. He always barks this "woof woof, my name is Pug. I am the king of all pugs! I'm gonna eat Fluff Fluff's food." Then here's what he barks at the vet wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(by Mia - 8 years old)
(by Mia - 8 years old)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Pugsley And The Sock
"Uh, Hi. Matthew came down here to play with me. He was wearing blue socks that I couldn't resist! I attacked as he tried pulling me off. I finally got off as Fluffy, my playmate, came into the room. I planned to take another shot at the sock. But, I got pulled off (again). After that, I sniffed Fluffy's butt. Then, she hissed back at me. But, Fluffy still likes me, and Matthew does too!" (By Matthew - 10 years old)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Cute or Not Cute by Mia
Pugsley sometimes can seem ugly. If you're always like,"he is so cute" than you don't know what he does on the rug. You don't want to know! Imagine Pugsley with a beard or a mohawk, that would be odd. Is he cute or is he ugly? To me, he is both. He can really get on my nerves. Especially when he poops on my rug. Do you think he is cute, or do you think he is ugly? "He's ugly," says my best friend's Dad, Bob. "He is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute," says my best friend, Amanda. (by Mia - 8 years old)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Pugsley has a real thing about toes. He loves to pounce on them, growl at them, and attack them. This usually happens when I am going down the stairs with a huge load of laundry or when I walk back from dropping the kids off at the bus stop and he needs some entertainment. In this photo is the look on Pugsley's face when I have just told him "No toes." I put him in a Sit/Stay, so I can get myself down the stairs without falling and breaking my neck. When he gives me this look, I want to say, "Okay, Pugsley, you can attack my toes and trip me, so I go flying and have to wear a neck brace for the next three months. That would be fine. Who needs a silly old neck anyway? All it does is hold up my head."
Saturday, November 7, 2009
pugsley vs fluffy
On this corner we have the enemy of all pugs, FLUFFY THE CAT. On the other side, we have the pug smasher. Who will win? OK, folks, let's get started AND GO!!!!!!!!!! OH MAN LOOK AT THAT! FLUFFY, A GIRL, IS ACTUALLY WINNING! AND SHE IS BEATING PUGSLEY, THE SMASHER, AND HE IS OUT OF HERE. FLUFFY WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UH.............OH......WAIT? WHAT? NO! THE PUG WINS! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF! by Mia (8 years old)
Friday, November 6, 2009
Pugsley Daytime Routine by Pugsley
I've been sitting on my bed for the longest of times. Someone came at the door, and I did the routine. Shake tail, climb on their knee, and start the licking process! Yippee i-o-ki-a!!!. Then I had some slurpy-slurps and slept. When Matthew came home, I raided his leg. He didn't seem to care. I think that this family is good for me. (Including Mommy and Matthew!) by Matthew (10 years old)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
So, he has really settled in here at our humble abode. Here he has found an old set of vampire teeth candy he's biting. Seems innocent enough, right? Wrong. The next day I had to take him to animal emergency because he developed a bad allergic reaction to the red dye. All the vets were calling him "Lumpy".

This is Pugsley's nemesis and the Queen of our house, Fluffy. She likes to pretend that she doesn't like Pugsley, but she does let him snuggle up to her when they're sleeping (photo to follow). Pugsley can be a pest. He eats her food, jumps on top of her in an effort to get her to play, which always makes her hiss; and he has a tendency to eat her poop (not for the faint of heart).
This is the day it all began for us. We selected our very first dog, and we decided to name him Pugsley. At first we thought we would select a female puppy, but there was just something special about our little Pugman from the beginning. There was something soulful about his eyes, and we just couldn't resist him.
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