Wednesday, February 18, 2015

In the fall, we had to say good-bye to our lovely, Fluffy.  She had come to us as a stray over fifteen years ago and seemed to claim us.  We had a hard time believing she was actually a stray because she was so beautiful.  Not that strays are ugly; she just carried herself a little differently and seemed so poised and graceful.  I always called her the Audrey Hepburn of cats.  When we brought home Pugsley, she put up with him, but as time went on, they became closer and closer.  They would sleep together and often eat out of the same bowl.  They also liked to sun themselves by the open window or the back porch. They were great friends.  After she passed away, Pugsley developed separation anxiety when I was gone.  I often wonder if it began because he missed Fluffy. 
We couldn't have loved Fluffy more, and we miss her every day.  We know she is in a better place, and she will always remain in our hearts.  Our time with her was so special.