Now that Pugsley is getting older, he is beginning to settle down. When I take him for a walk, he no longer barks at the other dogs or pulls me along (which used to always prompt well-meaning neighbors to ask: "Who is walking who?"). He doesn't send me on a wild goose chase around the backyard when I forget to put him on his leader either. And, he likes to sleep (A LOT - unless you have food). One thing hasn't changed though; he still barks at the UPS man. Lately he has been working his cute head-tilt pug mojo more often when you say his favorite phrases like: "let's go walkies", "would you like a treat?" "do you want to go bye-byes?" and "where's your bunny?" His bunny is his teddy bear and when it's bedtime, he brings it upstairs and curls up with it. He and Fluffy, our cat, make sleeping look like so much fun that it is hard to get any work done around here. Sometimes, I have to give in and just doze off with them. But then Pugsley's snores usually wake me up. Here is a photo of Pugsley waking up from a sound sleep for a treat at the kitchen table. He has good manners, doesn't he?
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